Phew, what a week! I spent the first four days in a training in the Carr Workplaces on the 51st floor of the Aon Center (amazing views!) to get a certification for some software for work. It was fun to have a little break and be in a class again — it’s been a while. I’m a mega nerd so I asked a million questions, but I also learned a lot. I get my test scores back Monday but am sure I passed, and I’ll get a fun little certificate to hang up at my desk.
When I got back to the office today I had some mail to pick up, and lo and behold, my new HOVR had arrived! I ordered this thing months ago off of Indiegogo when I went through a phase of pre-ordering a bunch of cool techy things, and had kind of forgotten about it until today.

So far, I’m loving this thing. Being short (and being someone who is on the long torso/short legs side of the spectrum), my feet don’t touch the ground under my chair at the office. Now, it’s true, I could lower my chair, but then my arms would be too low for the keyboard. Ergonomics, yo! Most average work desks are not designed for people of my height. So, firstly — this is working wonders on my lower back, because I’m not stuck trying to get my feet onto the wheels of the chair for comfort.
Secondly, it has exercises with it to help you burn calories throughout the day. Fan-freaking-tastic. Now I don’t have to feel quite so bad about the fact that I spend the majority of my workday firmly planted on my rear-end. I’m currently sitting at my desk, feet a swingin’, and loving every minute of it.
I’m really pleasantly surprised that this turned out well. This is the first time I’ve ordered anything from Indiegogo, or Kickstarter or the like. As I mentioned before — I went on kind of a spree earlier this year and have a few things on order I’m pretty excited to receive — I’ll follow up about them once they’re here. I even have another item I ordered from Indiegogo that arrives this month, the Wristocat. I’m going to have the most comfortable desk ever very soon.
Have you ever bought anything from Indiegogo or Kickstarter? How’d it turn out, good or bad? Let me know in the comments.
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