Happy New Year!!

I can’t believe it, it’s finally 2017! That means my blog has been up and running for a full year. I’ve made 80 posts over the last 12 months! That averages out to a little more than 6 posts a month. I’m really proud of that — it’s not a ton, but it means I wrote a lot last year. And that was my main goal in starting the blog — getting myself in better habits for writing. So, I definitely feel like I accomplished that!
Another thing I was just starting around this time last year was the KonMari cleaning method. I’ve spent a long time sorting through items and trying to pare down. And — I think I’ve actually done it. Over the last couple of days Damon and I made a few trips to the Salvation Army. We got rid of a storage unit we’d had for a little over a year and some other items that were hanging around the house. And I’m starting to really get a sense that I might be done. Getting rid of things, that is. I mean, that’s not to say that I’ll never have to go through my closet again and get rid of old clothes, but for now — things are starting to settle in. I can’t wait to finish getting everything completely organized and put away so I can share some pictures! It’s taken me many years — one full year of KonMari — and I finally feel like this chapter of my life is about to close, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Last night we had a fantastic time. We bought a small bottle of champagne for a toast, grabbed a cute little package of New Year’s goodies from Target (headbands, horns and poppers) and settled in to watch TV and chill together.
Look at that adorable beast! Also — you know how they always say Instagram photos are staged, and you shouldn’t compare yourself to the ‘grammers? Well…she hated that headband. She’s being coerced with treats here. Just trynna be honest with you guys. Keepin’ it real.
Also, in the interest of keepin’ it real, we have watched the shit out of Star Trek: The Next Generation over the past two days. (Assuming I’ve mentioned this before…but TNG is the best. The best Star Trek, and also just the best. Data 4 LYFE.) Around 12:30 AM to wind down we flipped on an episode I couldn’t remember having seen before (it was from the late 80’s, so I was like 3 or so) that featured the battle bridge. Magnifique.
Today I’ve just been pondering some goals for next year. I don’t want to get too formal with them, because I feel like they can very quickly become frustrating instead of fun. By that I mean — you tell yourself you’re going to read 52 books next year, then the next thing you know you’ve missed two weeks because you were busy with work and the whole thing is thrown off and you’re trying to cram in reading 4 books in a week just to get back on schedule and the whole thing is making you crazy. That’s not my idea of a good New Year’s resolution.
But here are some things that are, and things I’d like to do in 2017:
- Read more.
- As a writer, I know I need to spend time writing. But what I think sometimes escapes me is the need to read. The last time I really spent with my head down in a book was a couple of years ago when I started reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series. And I’ve missed that feeling. I read about 10 or so books in 2016, many on audiobook via Audible. I added a few titles there but haven’t started on it yet. In 2017, I’m really counting on Book of the Month (This is an affiliate link, but the offer available is 3-months Membership For $9.99 Per Month + Free BOTM Tote — which is how I started out my subscription; a recommendation from someone else. I also got that rockin’ tote, because…tote bags.). Would love to know if any of you guys decide to subscribe, and if so what books you choose so we can chat about it. I already did another two add-ons to my January box, which should give me 6 unread books just rarin’ to go.
- If I had to pick a number, I’d like to try for around 24 books this year. Maybe 25 if I’m being OCD and wanted the number to sound round-er. I plan to review the books I read here on the blog!
- Do all the writing.
- All of it.
- Really, though — I want to spend time writing every single day. Whether it’s working on my novel, the blog, a short story, a movie script — anything, really. Every day is a tough goal, but I need to write. If I miss a day, I’m not going to give myself a hard time. But I wanna get right back on that wagon and keep going.
- I want my novel done. This is probably the toughest goal I’ll give myself. I’ve been working on it for over three years, though not consistently. Word count is currently hovering around 110,000. It probably won’t get too much bigger than that, but it needs editing. I’m ready to finish it. In 2017. I’ve got a million other stories that need writing, and I’m ready to put a button on this one.
- Get in better shape. Eat healthier.
- Woof. Aching knees, plantar fasciitis…2016 had me feeling like it was 2085. I’ve got orthotics now (yes, really) that are already helping the feet — but I’ve got to stretch more (or so says the massage therapist that I’m pretty sure was on the verge of ripping me limb from limb last week). Honestly, though, I’m really getting sick of feeling like I’m falling apart. I’M 31 YEARS OLD, DAMMIT.
- I’m starting the year off with 30 days of yoga with Yoga With Adriene. Damon’s in on this too, and I’m proud to report that we’ve already done our session for today. It’s free. It’s on YouTube. And she’s great. After the 30 days I’m hoping to go down to 3 or so sessions a week. I should be able to handle this. I can do this at home. Also, Adriene is hilarious and really cool. I highly recommend this (after one session…will report back on day 30).
- Also, I ate some green things today. Lettuce. Okay, one green thing. But there were like, multiple pieces of lettuce. So there.
- Have more fun. Skr8 chill.
- I need to chill more. Do things, or not do things. Check out a museum we haven’t seen before. Or alternatively, sit and stare out the window. Make some me time. Take some down time. Not think about projects.
Sticking with my theme of keeping it real, of course I have additional goals and projects I’m hoping to start this year. But these are my main themes. Read, write, exercise, relax. Repeat.
What are you proudest of in 2016, and what are you looking forward to in 2017?
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