Well? Did you?

Here’s the update: The book’s not done. It’s close. I’m getting there. I still have high hopes of finishing before November so I can start on my next idea. Book is still NUMBER ONE PRIORITY MOST IMPORTANT. But I need my blog back. I NEED IT.

We’re just over 365 days away from our wedding. I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT. And I’ll have more. PLANNING. SO MUCH PLANNING.

I have stories. I have book reviews. I’m not gonna hit 25 books but HEY I READ SOME so that’s a win.

I’ve got some new projects out there. Damon and I have a website I’ll talk more about later, and Claire and I have a sweet craft project I’ll describe more in-depth later, as well.

Anyway, I’m gonna be around again. Nothing consistent. Maybe when the book is done.

ALLOW THIS TO SERVE AS NOTICE THAT I’M BACK. And not just to update my WP plugins. See you soon. Good things coming.

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