Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10
Well, it’s taken me a couple of weeks to process that GOT is actually over for the season. *Sigh* I also read that next season will be pushed back until May or possibly even later, which is almost as devastating as the Red Wedding. Almost. Anyhoo, I proceed on to my final GOT recap of…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9
And here it is…the episode we’ve all been waiting for. The Battle of the Bastards. Ho-ly crap. Episode 9 usually contains the most epic battle scene every season, and this did not disappoint. In fact, I feel like it set the bar even higher for the battles to come. This episode was amazing and completely made up…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episodes 7 & 8
I’m a couple weeks behind, and considering that neither of these two episodes were particularly eventful, I’ve decided to lump them together in to one post. And I’ll put them together by character, rather than writing about what happened in order — it’s a bit easier. I’ll be back later today or tomorrow with my…
5 Easy Ways To Sell Old Clothes Online
Have you got some old clothes you’re looking to sell online? If you’ve been doing some spring cleaning, anytime cleaning, or perhaps you’ve become completely obsessed with the KonMari Method (like me), then this post is for you. Once you’ve gone through the process of paring down your closet, you’re left with a pile of…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6
Blood of My Blood was definitely a more chill episode than last week’s. Although there was nearly no way for it to hit as hard as last week’s ending, we did still get some theories confirmed. Moving on. Spoilers incoming. Are you really this far behind? We’re 6 episodes…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5
Well. This was an episode. The Door proved to be one of the biggest episodes of the season — some small consolation for the fact that the season is halfway over. Damon and I bought a new giant TV this weekend which may have made the episode that much more intense. I’ll follow up on that later, when we finish…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4
Book of the Stranger certainly was an interesting episode — I think the very first this season that had almost no book material in it at all. I’m still not entirely sure what to do with myself when I don’t know all the plot points ahead of time. Where will all the hardest-hitting dialogue come from? How…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3
It’s that time again…My weekly Game of Thrones recap! I was happy with this week’s episode, though it felt too short. Why can’t they just release all the damn episodes at once, Netflix-style? Oh that’s right, because I’d have to take a vacation day from work to make sure I watched every single episode immediately. And…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2
Ooooooooooweeeeee! What an episode this was! Much faster paced than last week, which was needed. And now, the obligatory spoiler space: I WAITED A WHOLE DAY SPOILERS INCOMING SPOILERS INCOMING TRANSMISSION RECEIVED Okay, that’s all you get. This episode started out with Bran (Who’s that?), who we’ve not seen…
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1
Well…it’s that time of year again! Game of Thrones is back! Even for us book readers — this is the year we’ll find out the answers to so many of our questions: whether Jon Snow lives or dies, who his parents are, and where Daenerys is heading. Also, is Bran going to get assimilated in to underground tree-ville? How hard…