My new HOVR!
Phew, what a week! I spent the first four days in a training in the Carr Workplaces on the 51st floor of the Aon Center (amazing views!) to get a certification for some software for work. It was fun to have a little break and be in a class again — it’s been a while.…
Post-Election Thoughts
Well…it’s over. After what feels like two long years of reading the news, the r/politics sub, and watching coverage for hours, it’s all over. The United States has finally chosen the person who will be its President for the next four years. And that person is…Donald Trump. The guy that no one thought would win.…
I voted!
Welp, it’s done. Damon and I finally got around to early voting today. We were able to do it at a gym just down the street from our apartment. The lines were actually a lot longer than I’d expected — we were at our polling location for over an hour. Fortunately, they were organized, and…
RIP Vine 😭
Today, Vine shared some important news: their mobile app is being discontinued in the next few months. I can’t believe it! I’m kind of…okay, really sad about it. I’ve spent hundreds of hours watching those looping videos, sometimes just sitting on my couch at home and laughing so hard I think I might pee. They say…
Sexy Halloween Costumes for Feminist Ladies
Picture this: We’re only 12 days away from Halloween, and you haven’t got a costume yet. You’ve got a huge party to attend and everyone is going to be there. What’s a girl to do? Well, I’ll tell you — grab the sexiest costume you can find and you get your ass to that party! There…
We’re smack dab in the middle of the month — just 16 days away from the SPOOPIEST day of the year, Halloween! TBH, Halloween is actually my least favorite holiday of the year. Mostly because I don’t like being scared. I have plenty of memories of getting the bejeezus scared out of me when I was…
Wedding Planning & “Our Perfect Marriage”
Folks have been asking me basically since the day after we got engaged how wedding planning is going, and my answer has been pretty much the same for the last couple of months: “Umm…we have the list done?” How soon are you supposed to set a date, anyway? What comes first? Colors? Time of year? Venue? Date?…
Incredibly Easy Peach Pie
If you, like me, are not ready for summer to end, ignore all the pumpkin-everything being tossed at you for one last hurrah — this incredibly easy peach pie recipe! And when I say “Incredibly Easy,” I mean incredibly easy. So much so that even I managed to make this (under the ever-watchful eye of Damon, of course). The recipe…
What I Did On My Summer Staycation
I’m over halfway through my weeklong Summer Staycation (culminating in my birthday this Saturday). I’ve been really happy with the decision to take the time off — I think I needed it more than I realized. Here’s a list of some of the things I’ve done this week: Played the original Rollercoaster Tycoon game for…
A New Dresser For Our Car
Early last month, Damon and I bought a small dresser from IKEA to put in our closet. The one he’s currently using for his unmentionables is one we bought at an estate sale for $10, and…well, we’ll just say we got our $10 worth out of it. It’s ready to move on to limbo (our…