Ants on a Pinecone
Anyone who’s grown up in the South like I did has a very intimate familiarity with ants. And in Texas, it’s red ants, fire ants, giant termite-y winged ants, and even little black sugar ants. My friend Michelle had sugar ants in her room for a bit when we were growing up, and I remember her…
That Modcloth Stylish Surprise I Told You About
MY MODCLOTH STYLISH SURPRISE HAS ARRIVED. AND OOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEE! I got goodiezzzzzzz! This is the first time I’ve liked everything I’ve gotten from one of these. In fact, last time I didn’t like much of what I got at all. I think it’s the summer clearout vs the winter one. I’m not the type to wear a…
This was an insane weekend of EXTREME everything. Firstly, Friday night, our IKEA Malm bed frame broke. I’d love to have some steamy story to tell, but Damon was literally just climbing in to bed and BOOM! EXTREME BREAKAGE! The front corner (left if you’re facing the bed) went down. Scared the bejeezus out of Honey,…
Modcloth Stylish Surprise
GO, MY PRETTIES! GO! I just picked up some goodies. Can’t wait to share when they come in!
Quaker Cranberry Almond Breakfast Flats from Influenster
As part of my ongoing fun of testing out products with Influenster, I received some Quaker Breakfast Flats to try, Cranberry Almond flavor. Damon and I gave them a whirl this morning. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelley Greene (@kelleygreene) These are actually surprisingly good. I don’t really eat breakfast bars…
Apple Event March 21, 2016
Yesterday Apple held one of their much anticipated events to announce their new products and product updates. I watched the live stream and wanted to put together a recap for those of you that missed it. (Snagged from the internet.) Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, started out with some information about their ongoing dispute with the FBI.…
C2E2 2016: The Experience
For the first time since we’ve lived in Chicago (nearly 6 years now!), Damon and I finally made it out to C2E2, the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo. We regularly either miss it or forget about it until it’s passed, so we were pretty excited to go this year. Neither of us had full-on cosplay…
Follow me on Bloglovin!
Hittin’ the bigtime. Follow my blog with Bloglovin Bloglovin is a site that allows you to easily connect and read blogs. It’s really easy to use and I’m excited to have gotten signed up — hopefully this will invite some more readers! Come follow me and I’ll follow you back!
Pi(e) Day Celebration 3.1416
Happy Pi Day to all my fellow geeks out there! If you’re not familiar with Pi, here’s a link to the Wikipedia article on it. This year’s Pi Day is particularly special, because if you round off that fourth decimal place you get 3.1416 — and today is, of course, 3/14/16! (Sorry European friends, I…
Galavant on ABC
I’ve been meaning to write a quick blurb about Galavant since I finished watching Season 2. Not sure if the show has been picked up for a third season (which I feel is sort of common for particularly great comedies), but I can’t recommend it enough. If you’ve not seen it, you’ve got to get your…