Democratic Town Hall & Debate
Busy last night and tonight with two of my favorite things: politics and Twitter. I realized today that saying politics is something I am interested in means I must be officially old. I’m 30 now; I had to Google “FOMO” last week and also referred to a 26-year old author as a “kid”, so I believe I’ve…
Tofurky Pizza, Pt. 2
Yes, there’s a part 2. And the reason is, I burped that 2 bites for the entirety of the night while we stayed up late watching the Iowa Caucus results come in. It was a nightmare. I tasted it over the top of my delicious Annie’s mac ‘n’ cheese. Sadly, Damon had approximately 20x the…
Tofurky Pizza
Damon and I are having a frozen Tofurkey pizza for dinner for the first time. This week we decided to create a meal plan, which consists of some shitty scribbling on a piece of notebook paper with arrows redirecting “beans & rice” and “frito pie night” so we don’t have giant piles of beans two…
Long Week, Long Weekend
Phew. This long-ass week has culminated in a long-ass weekend. Aaand it’s already basically over. Time to go back to the grind. I’m not really feeling up to composing a post this weekend, so I’ll just leave you with a fun Vine my brother shared with me today:
Man, what a week it’s been. Last night I was so tired I fell asleep during the #GOPDebate and tonight I’m still at the office. Good time to start thinking about one of my million dream jobs: Professional Sports Team Mascot. I love mascots. I love everything about them. They have costumes. I mean, I guess,…
Coconut Oil
Sunday night I put coconut oil in my hair as a moisturizer. My hair is wavy/curly and the ends tend to be pretty dry. Claire told me she uses coconut oil in her hair sometimes, so I thought I’d go for it. Mine’s been especially bad this winter because of how long it is. Here’s…
The KonMari Method, Pt. 1
I’ve mentioned a few times that I intended to discuss all of the things I have been getting rid of more in-depth, and today is the beginning of those posts. * * * * * “I’ve never known a girl with a messy room before. This is awesome.” “Are you like, a hoarder?” “Oh, just…
HPB, Bernie & Tech Support
Today has been quite busy for a Saturday. I usually stay in my PJs all day if I can get away with it, but I had to put on pants today (okay, they were leggings) since we went out. Firstly, I’d just like to note that Honey punched both Damon and me in the face…